Homecoming spirit takes over Howell Public Schools
September 29, 2017
Starting Mon. Oct. 2 through Fri. Oct. 6, themed spirit days will be taking place within Howell Public Schools each day of the week in order to get the students excited for the homecoming Varsity Football game and school dance. Spirit week will be taking place at both the freshman campus and 10-12 building as well as the elementary and middle schools. Mon. is Nike vs Adidas vs Under Armour Day. Tues. is Camo vs Preppy Day. Wed. is Color Day; seniors wear black, juniors wear white (along with 4th, 5th, and 8th), sophomores wear gold (2nd, 3rd, and 7th grades), freshmen wear green (Pre-K, K, 1st, and 6th grades), and staff will wear tie dye. Thurs. is Michigan State vs Michigan Day. Fri. is Green vs Gold Day. Exclusively in the high school, first hour teachers will be counting participation for each grade level every day. The grade at the end of the week with the most participation will win the Spirit Cup.
“We’re hoping that the spirit days give students a sense of community and belonging,” Mrs. Gabriella Dinatale says.