Survivor Day Two: Do or Die
April 26, 2022
Survivor Day Two: Do or Die
Ryan Cirella, Jackson Kovarik
Sports Editor, Staff Writer
Monday’s reward challenge was a challenge of both art and communication. The Survivors were paired up in groups of two in hopes of creating the best painting based on a Bob Ross video. While one Survivor was painting, the other had to explain the video while there was no sound so the other could paint as accurately as possible.
In first place, winning a total of $400 collectively, is Team ADRalko and Team Mag-N-Cheese! Together they worked to paint the best painting.
“We got very lucky, since I already knew how to paint and he knew how to talk,” Maggie Carstensen said.
Along with them, in second place, winning a total of $200, Team Pushin Petru and Team Sleddog. The paintings were voted on by Mrs. Brady and Mr. Andrews.

“The positioning worked out great. Maggie is a very artistic person, a great painter, and I feel like I am good with words,” Aidan Ralko said.
Later that night, an immunity challenge was held upstairs in the 10-12 building. Student Council set up an obstacle course for the Survivors to race through, that involved a “floor is lava” game, a dizzy solo cup minefield, and a caution-taped lazer zone. Three Survivors were granted immunity. Finishing third overall, Team Meatball.
“I felt great going into this challenge because I knew I am getting lighter on my feet. I have been running around this school for the past few days and I was just prepared for all these challenges,” Ian Grager said.
Another win for the night for Team ADRalko. Aidan finished first in the painting challenge and won immunity for securing second place in the obstacle course.
“I am feeling overjoyed and ecstatic. This has been a Team ADRalko clean up today. Winning the rewards challenge and copping immunity, like, come on, it doesn’t get better than that. I haven’t seen a team do that except for Nol P. We are in the same boat, but going from here, I don’t have to play money tomorrow, so that’s good news for Team ADRalko,” Ralko said.
Along with ADRalko, Pushin Petru placed on the podium for both the challenges tonight. His performance in the obstacle course challenge won him immunity for the second time in two days.
“It feels great, I haven’t had to play money, and I don’t have to tomorrow, so that’s a good feeling…yeah, pretty excited about that,” Nolan Petru said.