A school isn’t complete without a sound security system. Without it, the students who attend might not feel as safe as they can. To keep the school safe, our security team uses open communication to work together with other staff to create a safer school.
In a world where school safety is paramount, Howell High School’s security team is critical in creating a safe student environment. Their job at Howell High School is to ensure the students are safe and prevent any adverse situations from happening.
“My number one responsibility is making sure the students and staff are safe and watching out for the well-being of students. We’re looking for overall safety for students and staff and ensuring kids are where they’re supposed to be,” school security guard Mr. Randy Forth said.
The nuances of the security protocols can make it challenging to determine what is considered safe. One question that has arisen from the Howell High student body is whether or not it is secure to leave the travel doors unlocked during passing time. The security guards feel confident in their ability to protect and monitor the unlocked doors and don’t view them as a threat to the school.
“As long as someone’s there [by the doors] that’s authorized, like administration or a security guard monitoring them, it should be okay,” Mr. Forth said.
The safety of the school isn’t the only concern for the security guards. They also strive to create a welcoming environment and form student bonds. In order to make the students feel more at ease, security guards work to build a mutual trust between them and the students.

“I talk to every student. I don’t care what color your skin is, I don’t care what your hair looks like… I think that’s promoting a safe zone for you guys and trying to let you guys know you can trust me,” school security guard Ms. Anita Walker said.
Students can contribute to maintaining security by adhering to school rules and respecting safety protocols. By following guidelines such as not letting friends re-enter the building during passing time or when they’re outside unauthorized, students help the security team keep track of who is on campus and what’s being brought inside. Even small actions like these contribute to a safer environment for everyone at Howell High School.
“[We] remind students to not let their friends in during passing time or when they’re skipping. We don’t know where they went or what they’re bringing back,” Mr. Forth said.
Beyond coordinating through radios, the team engages in ongoing communication with school staff through phone and in person to maintain a cohesive approach to safety, allowing them to support students effectively.
“I work closely with all the principals, administrators, and mental health counselors. They may call me for advice or to help them investigate something. So it’s an open line of communication,” school resource officer Mr. Andrew VanBuskirk said.
Overall, the security team believes that Howell High School remains a safe and proactive environment for students. Through regular updates to safety procedures and a vigilant approach to campus security, the school demonstrates its commitment to student and staff safety.
“Just do what you’re supposed to do so things can run smoothly,” Ms. Walker said.